Itaca · Mi Manchi

LABELAloch Dischi
PRODSebastian Eppner, Albertine Sarges
MIXJonas Budassis
MASTERAndrea Suriani
POSTFrancesco Di Giorgio

I heard Ithaca live for the first time in a club in San Lorenzo (Rome), and I was blown away. It was just the two of them, their synths, and a small self-managed lightset that made the performance surreal. It was unique. I remember very well that after the live show I immediately introduced myself and told them that I would love to direct one of their videos. Sebastian and Albertine were immediately enthusiastic and helpful, and so, less than a year later, the opportunity came with “Mi Manchi”. 

The most interesting aspect for me was to give substance to the suggestion of a Berlin duo singing in Italian (my own language), about a story set in the suburbs of Rome - my own city.
There was therefore the challenge of restoring to places known to me, and not always full of magic, that poetry and horizon that Ithaca saw there.
For them, as Berliners, Rome was much more exotic than it was for me.

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